Our Why


The Above Average School

We believe in being different
We think differently
Being different is a tool to make us better
OUR WHY (*why we do what we do)

We think differently by making our courses unique, current, content-rich, digestible, action-oriented, and relevant for our working students.  We are passionate in ensuring that our students have the best content, delivered in the best modality to fit their lives and roles as working adults, parents, community leaders, and etc. to support their leadership needs and ascension within their organizations.

OUR HOW (*how we do what we do)

We don't follow traditional learning frameworks which are based on learning as a firehose of information; an act of telling students what we know in lieu of focusing on ensuring students learn.  Traditional learning models focus on learning as separate from work as a training event and not seen as being valuable; and learning as lots of documents and information handed to employees or downloadable via the internet.

Our courses are science-based easy to digest, easy to apply, and accessible to our students for their lifetime.  We integrate 3 pivotal areas for success:

(1) your work

(2) our knowledge


(3) modern learning tools such as mobile learning, artificial intelligence (AI); social learning (crowd sourcing/community); work and learning integration; access to information in moment of need; and access to on-demand learning content.

OUR WHAT (*what we do)

We just happen to be a training company.

Yes we are different and our why is at the heart of what we do for our students!



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