
Stress Management and Resilience

In today’s work environment, people are often in a constant state of over-extension. In small doses, stress can help them perform under pressure and act as a motivator. Out of control, it may dilute people’s effectiveness, interfere with their well-being and impact how they interact with people.

Maintaining and managing stress is instrumental to effective leadership. Stress can derail even seasoned leaders and high-performing teams. This training provides the tools to identify potential sources of stress and how stress can be both avoided and managed. It covers how to deactivate the stress reaction known as the “fight or flight” response, notably in difficult situations.

Transformational Strategies

A vital part of every high-performing team is resilience. This is the ability to:

  • Maintain focus under pressure
  • Effectively manage through adversity
  • Adapt – and bounce back – when things don’t go as planned

Participants cover four key areas:

  • The difference between stress and distress
  • Signs and symptoms of stress
  • Energy management strategies to deactivate stress triggers
  • How to boost resilience by reframing situations


Let us reduce or eliminate your "Pain Points"

  • You do not feel wellness with your inner-self.
  • You do not feel wellness with you outer-self.
  • Appearance is not professional
  • Wearing tight clothing will tarnish your reputation in most workplaces
  • Wearing your hair to your waist will age you down


Please contact us at the The Above Average School for more information by telephone at (517) 262-1927 or by email us at [email protected]

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